The Ultimate Guide to Natural Hair Growth for Black Women
(All images in this guide are of me and my own natural hair)
This guide is so personal and important to me because I want to share all of my secrets and tips about natural hair growth for black women. If you are looking for ideas on how to grow natural hair long or you want to retain your length, this is the guide for you. I’d love if you let me know what you think via Twitter so feel free to contact me at any time. I am always available to help you and to answer your questions.
This guide is perfect for all black women with natural hair but it is especially optimised for girls with Type 3 and Type 4a, 4b and especially Type 4c hair types.
A Note about Genetics
Genetics do play an important role in hair growth but it is not the be all and end all when it comes to black hair growth or natural afro hair growth. I know so many black women around the world think that if they are not mixed, their hair will not grow. This is simply not true. There are many 100% African women with long kinky hair while there are other black women who are fair skinned but their hair isn’t long. It isn’t about your skin colour or skin tone – it is about your genetics, how you take care of your hair, what you eat and upkeep.
Hair growth is not determined by light skin or dark skin. Please remember that as you read this guide and don’t be discouraged by anything because you can grow natural afro hair if you follow the top tips and tenets of this guide.
It’s not an exact science either. What might work for me might not work for you. Use this to be your guide but also feel free to make your own decisions. In this guide, I will also assume you know your natural hair type. Let’s get started!
Know Your Goals
The rise of blogging and social media has changed how many black women view their hair. Influencers definitely have made hair more equal but also created hair envy. This isn’t my goal per se – I want you to be equipped with the tools and knowledge that you need to energise your black hair care routine so that your hair grows long.
If you want your hair to be healthy – focus on that
If you want your hair to be long – focus on retention of current length
One of the biggest mistakes that you can ever make when it comes to growing natural hair is using heat on your hair directly. This is a horrifically bad idea especially if you have Type 3-Type 4 hair. Just say no. Straighteners or flat irons on your curl pattern actually help to break each coil that is in your hair strand causing damage that is hard to repair and reverse.
If you want to see how long your hair is, you can blow-dry your hair once a year maximum. If you have to blow dry or flat iron your hair more than once a year, use a heat protecting serum. I have some excellent recommendations – just contact me for the best ones that you should try.
Ideally you will use a heat protectant serum. If you can avoid heat, just wear a protective sew in weave that you can flat iron. This way you can use blow dryers and straighteners without putting any pressure on your natural hair.