Buying a Chanel Bag whether you buy it in the boutique or you buy it used is an experience but it also requires strategic planning or budgeting. Each potential customer has to think about how much she wants to spend on a Chanel bag, how much she has available and how she is going to buy the bag itself. Personally – I am just a fan of buying a Chanel bag new instead of used. Why? I prefer new luxury bags because I like the idea that the bag is brand new and therefore it can be moulded & sculpted to you and your personal tastes. I also don’t like the idea of buying a used bag but you can still use my financial tips to buy a Chanel bag – just adapt it to the fact that the bag is used.
How much should I pay for my Chanel bag?
The most important thing is that you should only spend what you can afford. One of the biggest mistakes people make with luxury bags whether it is Chanel, Fendi or Louis Vuitton is that they overspend in order to buy a bag. You should not get into any debt to buy a handbag. If you are buying a Chanel bag new, you will be paying the list price that you can search online. My personal preference is Boy Bags and the new trendy releases from the brand so these tend to start at $2K+ for the smaller sizes.