Red Lipstick Buying Guide

Red Lipstick
The Ultimate Guide to Buying Red Lipstick
Red lipstick is a wonderful way to express your personality and inject a classic beauty look into your daily life. Choosing the right red lipstick for you takes time and also understand your skintone. This guide will help you buy the right lipstick for your budget and lifestyle – in terms of colour palette, choose the right one for your skintone with your own research as all of our skin colours are different.
Red Lipstick Buying Checklist
This is the checklist that you need before you start shopping for the red lipstick of your dreams. Whether you are buying online or in-store, make sure that you copy and paste this checklist and keep it with you:
- Debit Card or Credit Card to make the purchase
- Look for voucher codes/coupons to decrease the price
- Colour and shade range – always choose a brand with red lipstick shades
- Budget – Ensure that you have the budget to buy the red lipstick you want
- Screenshots of red lipsticks from your favourite influencers
How much should I spend on buying red lipstick?

One of my favourite red lipsticks that I think would suit my tribe is Russian Red by MAC. This has been around for years and the company does refresh it from time to time. It’s the closest I have seen from MAC to a true red that can transcend different skintones without looking garish. This red lipstick is $18.50 if you purchased on MAC’s website here or you can look for similar red lipstick colours by opting to buy on this site.

Another delectable choice that you can consider is Giorgio Armani Beauty Ecstasy Lipstick in the shade called Four Hundred. The price is steeper at $38 however it is definitely one of the most richly-manufactured lipsticks due to how the pigment was pressed during the manufacturing process (trust me, I come from a cosmetics background). I love how vibrant this particular shade of red is from Giorgio Armani is and I can see it working well on all skintones. I think this Armani Red is more for nightime dates and events as opposed to being a daytime red lipstick like Russian Red. If you are looking for an affordable alternative, try some from this brand.